Driving value through women’s sports: spotlight on Google & WNBA

Join Nielsen on Tuesday, June 25th, Noon ET

By now, we’ve all heard that women’s sports are having a moment.

That rings particularly true with the WNBA as viewership and fandom reach new heights. As the popularity of women’s sports surges, we’ll look at how momentum has grown over the last several years and the enhanced value delivered to fans and sponsors. Through data-driven frameworks, we’ll also outline how brands should assess and approach this massive growth opportunity.

We’ll be joined by speakers from the WNBA and Google to discuss their partnership, how it enables fan growth, and how they measure success. We’ll also review Google’s commitment and investment in women’s sports alongside the WNBA’s approach to attracting more sponsors and media coverage.

Learn more about…

Why Google invests in women’s sports and how they measure success

The WNBA’s growth plans for fans and sponsors

How brands can create a measurement framework for further investment in women’s sports


of WNBA fans are likely to recommend a brand sponsor to others.

Source: Nielsen Fan Insights 


increase in WNBA sponsor value delivered to brands in the 2023 vs 2022 seasons.

Source: Nielsen Media Valuation


of WNBA fans can recall Google as a sponsor.

Source: Nielsen Research